
4 Tips for Overcoming Hypothyroid Symptoms, in Addition to Using Medication

Almost all hypothyroid patients are recommended to take hypothyroid medicine every day, even for life. Unfortunately, not a few patients who often forget to take medication so that symptoms often recur. If you are one of them, you should also balance with a healthy and natural lifestyle so that the symptoms of hypothyroidism do not get worse. So, is there a way to deal with hypothyroidism naturally in addition to taking medication?

How to deal with hypothyroid relapse naturally

Even though it can help control hypothyroid symptoms, a healthy lifestyle change cannot replace the hypothyroid medication given by your doctor. Yes, you are still encouraged to take hypothyroid medicine regularly, then be balanced with a healthy lifestyle so that your body's metabolism is maintained.

Well, here's how to deal with hypothyroid that you can do easily and naturally.

1. Adjust your diet

A nutritionist from New York, Natalie Rizzo, RD revealed to Everyday Health that hypothyroid symptoms can often recur and get worse because of a wrong diet. In addition, irregular eating habits can also increase your weight and worsen hypothyroid symptoms.

Now, one of the most important ways to deal with natural hypothyroidism for you to do is to choose the right type of food. This is a list of foods that must be consumed and avoid overcoming hypothyroidism.

Recommended foods

Actually, there are no special foods that can increase the levels of hypothyroid hormones in the body or treat hypothyroidism completely. However, there are indeed some foods that should be consumed more frequently by people with hypothyroid so that the symptoms are easier to control.

To help deal with relapsing hypothyroidism, multiply eating vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, omega-3s, and fiber. All types of food can help strengthen your immune system so that you avoid various diseases.

High-fiber foods, for example, can help the absorption of hypothyroid drugs become more maximal in the body. While some types of vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants that are effective against oxidative stress in patients with hypothyroidism.

Foods that must be avoided

Not only focus on foods that must be consumed, you also need to avoid various types of foods that can worsen hypothyroid symptoms, namely:

  • Cruciferous vegetables, for example pakcoy, broccoli and cabbage. This vegetable contains goitrine compounds which can interfere with the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  • High-salt foods, such as french fries and instant food. People with hypothyroidism are at high risk of developing hypertension so they must limit salt intake from food.
  • Foods made from soybeans such as soybeans, soy flour, soy milk, and edamame. Soybeans can reduce the effectiveness of thyroid drugs so they cannot be absorbed optimally.
2. Regular exercise

Regular exercise is also important. Because the sport plays a role like a natural stress drug that can also increase blood flow throughout the body, including the thyroid gland.

You can choose whatever type of exercise you like. Whether it's walking, jogging, swimming, basketball, yoga, and so on. However, adjust to your abilities and health conditions, yes.

Start with light exercise first like jogging or yoga, at least 150 minutes per week (half an hour every day, five days a week). If your body is able to adjust to its rhythm, then you can try moderate or heavy intensity exercise gradually.

Most importantly, consult a doctor before you start sports. Your doctor will assess your health condition first and suggest the type of exercise that suits your health.

3. Avoid smoking

It's no secret if cigarettes must be avoided for health. How not, cigarettes clearly contain a lot of harmful substances that can damage every organ of the body slowly, even at risk of causing death.

In the case of hypothyroidism alone, chemicals in cigarettes can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones. In addition, the content of harmful substances in cigarettes can also inhibit the absorption of thyroid drugs so that it becomes less effective.

4. Control stress

People with hypothyroidism are prone to stress and depression. Just a little stress can slow down your body's metabolism so that the symptoms of hypothyroidism become uncontrollable and worse.

Try to take your time to calm down from prolonged stress. There are many things you can do to deal with stress. For example by walking, listening to music, watching movies, meditation, yoga, and doing your other favorite things.

The easier you control physical and mental stress, the more flow of thyroid hormones in the body. As a result, your body becomes healthier and stronger even though you have hypothyroidism.

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