
Video Amatir Puting Beliung di Lawanggintung Bogor Rusak Rumah Warga

During this time, vitamin D is often associated with bone health. Understandably, because vitamin D will work synergistically with calcium to maintain bone density. However, besides maintaining strong bones, vitamin D has many other benefits. To ensure bone health, calcium is not only needed but is also needed for vitamin D, because vitamin D from the digestive tract to the bones. There is no amount of calcium, if it is not accompanied by sufficient availability of vitamin D in the body, calcium is not optimal for bone health.It is estimated that worldwide, about 1 million people develop vitamin D deficiency, this condition if left unchecked can certainly cause problems, either in bones or other organs. In the body of the function of vitamin D helps absorption and maintains calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are very important role in bone metabolism. Vitamin A supplement also plays a role in the immune system. Vitamin D is known to play a role in helping to prevent certain types of cancer. Call it colon cancer (colon), prostate cancer. Although not very significant, the adequacy of vitamins reduces the risk of heart attacks and diabetes. Does it need to consume vitamin D supplements? To answer this question, it must be understood the previous need for vitamin D daily. It takes approximately 200 IU (50mcg), between 50-70 years approximately 400 IU (100mcg), while over 70 years, it takes approximately 600 IU (150mcg). Maximum daily dose is 2000 IU. If the estimated intake of foods containing vitamins is less than the amount required, there is no harm in consuming supplements of vitamin D in order to be unavoidable in terms of vitamin D deficiency. Source of Vitamin D In the form of supplements available today, vitamin D2 (ergocalsiferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). D3 form has advantages, because it is more effective that required fewer doses. Besides the side effects are that much less than with types of D2. Vitamin D3 is also more natural than vitamin D2, because this type is the result of the body after exposure to the sun. D2 product is the result of undergone radiation. Food sources that contain vitamin D include cheese, salmon, eggs, milk and beef. Also exposed to active vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D deficiency problems Vitamin D deficiency produces only 15% of greatly reduced calcium absorption. Although adequate intake, but absorption disorders cause calcium to enter the bone is disrupted, as a result susceptible to osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency causes immune system disorders. Diabetes and heart problems are also thought to be associated with this condition. Muscle weakness is also a possible side effect. Several studies have found that low vitamin levels have a relationship with the incidence of colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. This is a trifle vitamin D deficiency. To find out how much vitamin D is, the tests that can be done are 25 (OH) or calcidol tests. Normal levels in the body are between 40 and 65 ng / mL, while the US National Institutes of Health notes that levels of 25 (OH) D greater than 30 ng / mL are the optimal amount for the body. If the level is excessive Until now serious problems have been discovered due to excess vitamin D. One study found that consuming up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 5 months did not cause serious effects. In a recent study note, excess vitamin D results in increased blood and calcium levels of calcium. This condition can eventually cause osteoporosis for bone. Symptoms that occur due to high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia), including nausea, vomiting, and then urine becomes more (polyuria), excessive thirst, to cause disturbance of consciousness. In the case of complaints, the use of vitamin D or calcium supplements is avoided.

Knowing the fertile period after childbirth is important, because by knowing the fertile period after childbirth, you can predict the state of your reproductive system is back to normal. Furthermore, by knowing the fertile period after childbirth, you can rearrange your next pregnancy program so that you don't get pregnant too soon when you still have a newborn baby. By knowing the fertile period after childbirth, at least you and your partner can adjust the distance of your next pregnancy, so you and your partner can anticipate the situation.After giving birth, the mother took 42 days or 6 weeks to return the reproductive system to form as early as the time before pregnancy. Similarly, the menstrual cycle, a woman takes the fastest 42 days to restore hormones in the body the same as it did before pregnancy. Beyond that, there are many women who take months to get their first period after childbirth. Generally 2-24 months depending on the mother's diet and lifestyle. Why menstruation is very important after giving birth? Due to the absence of menstruation then we have normal body back and with the absence of menstruation then we also know the fertile period after delivery. So that it can be used as a method to increase the offspring at a time to delay pregnancy. If fertility is not known, it is very difficult to set up if you want to get pregnant again or delay pregnancy. Because no matter how fertile is the most important thing in the life of husband and wife. Then when the fertile time mother after giving birth? Immediately after birth, the mother will breastfeed her baby, when a baby suckles causes hormonal changes that inhibit ovulation (release of the egg). Because ovulation is disrupted menstrual cycle was disrupted. But the mother not to worry, because this is the normal situation experienced by all women after delivery within 2-24 months after delivery. To calculate the fertile period after delivery requires a minimum of 3 months to calculate the average menstruation, so it can be determined by the fertile mother. Example: If the irregular Do the calculation of average monthly menstruation is done within a period of 3 months in a row. It would be better if it was done for 6 months. Example calculations are performed for 3 consecutive months. February menstrual cycle occurs in 28 days, 35-day march, April 28 days. Then the average of your menstruation is (28 + 32 + 28) / 3 = 28 days. So chances are you get a period in May with a 28-day cycle. Fertile period as usual were on day 14 plus minus 2 is calculated from the first menstrual period last menstrual period. Examples of the last menstrual period April 10th the next 28 days you will get your period back means about May 8 you will menstruate back. If the regular menstrual is 28 days, then the calculation is easier to do that day 14 is calculated from the first period. For example, menstruating January 1 the fertile period of January 14 plus minus 2 at around 12 January to 16 January. Most doctors say it is safe to perform sexual intercourse six weeks after the birth of your baby. It can happen once you know the fertile period after giving birth, but it can happen when you are pregnant. It's good that you know the fertile period after delivery, you can put a little time to plan your next pregnancy, at least you are older than one year so you can focus on caring for the baby. Similarly, knowledge of the fertile period after childbirth, hopefully can help you to consider if you want to get pregnant soon after giving birth or postpone pregnancy after giving birth. Ovulation After Childbirth Many ask when the woman's fertile period is returned normally after childbirth. The man or husband must understand them. Female sex organs of new birth are still traumatized, albeit in very good condition, the female sex organs are still sensitive. Additionally, when the woman is still in lactation may occur vaginal atrophy (thinning and drying of vaginal tissues due to lack of estrogen in the female body). Some doctors argue that a woman or mother can feel the back of sexual intercourse 6 months postpartum. There is also another opinion within 4 weeks of the woman or wife can have sex, because within 4 weeks when the fluid is emitted from the lips of the vagina, she can have sexual relations back. There are several reasons why it took a break to have sexual intercourse postpartum back: 1. To provide opportunities for female genital tissue to recover as usual, especially when experiencing normal birth or caesarean section and undergoing episiotomy or a small cutout to birth the birth of the baby so the baby comes out easier. 2. Sense of trauma that is still attached to the postpartum period. Despite the physical conditions in normal and good. 3. Prevents infection Post-birth for 6 weeks or 40 days' post-partum is a very important and need special attention. Puerperal period Puerperal blood contains platelets, degenerative cells, dead cells and the remaining cells of the endometrium. Therefore, the re-examination of postpartum is generally done after 6 weeks. 6 weeks of the time in which the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size shape. downsizing of the womb is physical change, especially postpartum last. Most postpartum women who are not long after, desire to decline even none at all. in this case Australian study says that six weeks is the average time for postpartum women to resume sexual relations. but other studies mention the small proportion of women can be as many as 20% of women experience at the age of 6 months time of about 3 months faster. Despite the fact that woman or wife is allowed to resume sexual intercourse after 6 weeks, sometimes women or wives often complain of back pain when having sexual intercourse despite the birthing process had ended a few months ago. Pain during intercourse is called Dyspareunia or pain during intercourse. Pain during intercourse is due to several factors, such as: 1. Post-childbirth will form a new network for the wound healing process that is so sensitive that the female reproductive organs have not returned normally. 2. The presence of infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. 3. The existence of disorder or other health problems associated with content such as prime, cysts or tumors. 4. Taking medicine / herbs containing active substances that have properties astringents resulting in inhibition of production of lubricating fluid in the vagina when a woman is sexually aroused. 5. Psychological factors contributing as well as a sense of anxiety, worry, etc., which include: - Mental readiness readiness when going to back sexual activity. - There is a sense of trauma in the past. - Personality self-less flexible. - Poor communication between husband and wife, sometimes wives or women feel reluctant to have sexual intercourse. - Less heating (foreplay) at the beginning of the onset of sexual intercourse. And many other factors. So the woman's fertile period will be returned after the puerperal period, which lasted for 40 days, but she should have respected his wife to abstain from sexual relations until puerperal and postpartum recovery back were normal.

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